Family centred training programmes, offering a wide range of therapeutic interventions and techniques to address – Special Needs, Attachment, Separation and Loss Issues, Social Relationships, Emotional Mental Health, Person-Centred Care, Behavioural Management, Domestic Violence.

Core Modules: Practical Parenting, Learning through Play, Teen Parenting, Structural Family Therapy, Home-School Partnerships,   Confidence Building, Assertiveness,  Narrative Identity work, Creative Literacy Writing,  Managing Stress and Change, Mental Health Advisory, Social Relationships.

Group Work and Community Cohesion: Developing Unity and Strength – Mother/daughter/son social relationships, Father/daughter/son social relationships, Family Emotional Learning and Self-Development.

This service can address behavioural and communication difficulties, poor self-image, therapeutic interventions – nurturing emotional resilience, naming emotions, adaptive strategies, young adult’s emotional mental health, safeguarding, inclusive learning standards and social welfare.

Promoting creatively and inclusion through using sensitive approaches, spices self-assessment, enrichment delivery models, creative arts, drama therapy and identity work.