Welcome to our website, we at Spices Academic Consultancy work within education, business, social and health care sectors aiming to develop high quality care standards, met service outcomes and continual professional development training of staff and service users.

Our bespoke training modules and consultancy work ranges from designing individual learner programmes through to conducting academic research, directing business reviews and facilitating skills training events.
The success of our services is proven by the positive outcomes of the learners placed on our programmes by business managers, parents/carers, social care practitioners and educational services. Our professional services can be procured and afforded for all budgets.

Mission statement

We believe that education is the key to academic achievement and social mobility. Our aim is your success. 

About us

SPICES (Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Cultural, Emotional, Social) Academic Consultancy is a creative education and training service which specialises in academic coaching and pastoral social care support for learners using innovative teaching methods and interactive design. The success of our services is proven by the positive outcomes of the learners placed on our programmes by business managers, parents/carers, social care practitioners and educational services. Our professional services can be procured and afforded for all budgets. Training in specific professional development areas, individual or group work programmes can be provided on an hourly, half or whole day basis. 
Training in specific professional development areas, individual or group work programmes can be provided on an hourly, half or whole day basis.

Methodologies Available

We recognise that each learner has their own learning style. A range of methods are used to generate enthusiasm and commitment to learn.

Type of methods used include:

Case Study, Role Play, Lecturers, Group Work, Healthy Debates, Verbal Exposition, Individual Tutorial, Observation, Play Therapy, Games, Audio/Video, Web Conferencing, Work Sheets, Practical Quality Assurance Systems for Small Organisations (PQASSO), SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats), SMART Targets and Qualitative Research Approaches. We provide certificates of achievement, course handouts and evaluation.
We are open to suggestions on favourable methods of work. Let us know your objectives and we will evaluate your options. Professional development is fundamentally important to everything you do.

To find out more about SPICES please click on a title below:

• About Janet

• Philosophy

• Why Choose us?

• Affiliations and Team